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Le défouloir d'Axl
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23 juin 2005

Seduction by Star Sign


To Know Me: I'm the happy-go-lucky, fun-loving type. Of course you were naturally drawn to me -- I'm easygoing, ready and willing to hop aboard the merry-go-round.

Seduction Mantra: I get bored easily, so find ways to give me attention, like back rubs, phone calls. If you're going to be a pain-in-the-ass, I'm going.

You Know It's Working When: I'm an extrovert -- can't stand to sit around and brood over anything. Life's too short to waste on uninteresting people, projects or places. I'll give you a try if I suspect that you really need me. But not too needy, please! Who knows -- maybe I'll turn you around.


Titillating Talk Is the Trick: Conventional wisdom says stubborn Taureans want to play the romance game their way, but don't be misled. Sure, headstrong Bulls may be most comfortable when they're in control, but sometimes a little provocation can bring out their best. Play matador and flash a red cape. Don't be afraid to lock horns; a Taurus gets turned on by stimulating banter. As long as you don't insist on having the last word, you'll do fine.

Seduction Mantra: Speak up.

You Know It's Working When: A Taurus may seem feisty and confrontational at first, but it's usually just to see what you are made of. Much like a bullfighter, if you hold your own long enough, you'll be able to get in close for the kill. And what a kill it will be.


Games and Gossip: The zodiac's Twin has two sides, playful and serious. Appeal to both. When playful, seduction should be a breeze: With little encouragement on your part, a Gemini will most likely want to please and flirt with you, too. A serious-faced Gem finds collusion a huge turn-on. Cozy up by asking for help or confessing a secret, because a Gemini loves nothing more than to be on the inside tip. Or, turn the seduction into a game -- the more elaborate, the better.

Seduction Mantra: Flatter and flirt.

You Know It's Working When: A Gemini's two sides often play off of one another, so make each of them happy. Have you complimented your special twin recently? Good -- now give a little cold shoulder and watch how he or she swings the next move. Relax, your Gem won't see this as a mean mind game, just a demonstration of interest without crowding his or her space.


The Art of the Approach: Cancers need to feel emotionally secure before crawling out of their shells, so what works best is some good old-fashioned courtship. Guys: Dust off that pedestal and unfurl the red carpet. Gals: Do the same. Both female and male Crabs enjoy a mate who takes the lead in planning an evening of romance. In fact, they're usually waiting patiently for such an occasion to arise.

Seduction Mantra: Trust leads to lust.

You Know It's Working When: A captivated Cancer will develop a serene inner glow: Look for a radiant smile, healthy appetite, conversation and eye contact galore. When you two truly get close, you may also notice the telltale heart on his or her sleeve.


Tread Lightly Toward Love: It's no coincidence that Leos share their name with the king of the jungle -- neither the man nor the beast likes to be caged in, and both may feel threatened if you violate their personal space too suddenly. Approach your beloved gingerly; avoid getting your head bitten off by not stepping on any toes. This doesn't mean that a Leo will always be a royal pain. Once you dare enter the lair, you'll find your Lion is kind, generous and loyal. Mimic these qualities for a roaring good time.

Seduction Mantra: Sensitive suitors survive.

You Know It's Working When: A truly in-love Leo is comfortable sharing the spotlight. If you find yourself working the room in tandem with this striking show-stealer, feel confident. Your Leo may not be glued to you at all times, but knowing that you're nearby is what makes this cat purr.


The Perfect Pursuit: The love Virgo wants is like a cloudless day: clear to the horizon and free of any imperfections. Even though Virgo knows that purity is just a dream, he or she still wants reassurance that dreams can come true. In the early stages of your pursuit, avoid divulging your deepest fears and flaws. Instead, learn about your crush, both the good and bad. Once the cracks in his or her own facade start to show, yours won't seem so icky. In fact, they might even look pretty sexy.

Seduction Mantra: Don't crack up.

You Know It's Working When: A curious Virgo is a hooked Virgo. Along with sharing their own secret selves, these naughty virgins want to know just who it is they've accepted into their lives. Answer everything they ask, but don't be afraid to stop talking and start kissing.


The Beauty of Balance: The shortest path to a Libra's heart has always been the straight and narrow. These charming, gentle creatures are never as composed as they appear; it takes a lot of effort to keep those scales balanced. Approach their tightrope walk carefully, avoiding head games that might trip you up. Libras want nothing more than your undying love. Failing that, they'll take an honest roll in the hay. But remember, there's a difference between a sincere pounce and an overly blunt assault. There's no need to hold back that forbidden fruit, but a sweet candy coating will make it all the more appetizing.

Seduction Mantra: Tip the scales.

You Know It's Working When: It's all about the sweet nothings. The more a Libra whispers, the merrier he or she is. And as always, never leave a Libra hanging; divulge right back, as often as possible. As the compliments and confessions grow, you'll know just how hooked your Libra lover is.


The Power of Passion: Mysterious, deeply impulsive and enigmatically sexual, the spiritual Scorpio loves to be around people who are enthusiastic, imaginative and sensitive. A basic dinner-movie combo date is out -- too obvious, too overdone. Suggest a Zen-like walk through a tranquil part of town, try stargazing or simply sit and stare into your crush's eyes, absorbing every word. Scorpio also has a dark side and can be a control freak, so let him or her make the final call on plans. But don't hold back: Touch your Scorpio's arm, cheek, neck -- anywhere there is bare skin -- to make a searing impression.

Seduction Mantra: Take it to the limit, one more time.

You Know It's Working When: A smitten Scorpio will melt under a cool hand. However, don't freak if you make a move and then get frozen out. A Scorpio sometimes pulls back to reassert power in the relationship. It doesn't mean lack of interest. Pursue with the same passion as above, but on a lower pilot light.


The Sharing of Stimuli: Sagittarius is best tempted by the spice of life -- variety. What made the sparks fly on your first encounter probably won't get the same heated reaction the next time around. Most likely the exact opposite will be the key to red-hot romance. If you want to keep your Archer from wandering, you'll need to keep him or her guessing.

Seduction Mantra: Routine is for robots.

You Know It's Working When: A Sagittarius shows his or her interest by actually sticking around till the end of the night -- or the next morning. Archers are not the most soft-hearted creatures of the zodiac, but once under your spell look out for these clues: flustered behaviour, stuttering speech, severe blushing and serious eye contact


The Deal Is in the Details: Capricorns, extremely goal-oriented, take romantic encounters as seriously as their board meetings. The tricky part of getting close to one of these success-seeking Goats is not to have the interview end before you think it has begun. Instead of wasting time polishing your resume, put your best foot forward before your crush gets a chance to figure out why you don't fit perfectly into any well-oiled plans for the future. Pull out all of the stops and leave no detail of a date to chance.

Seduction Mantra: Your first impression is final.

You Know It's Working When: Lucky for you, once you're in, you're really in. Charmed Capricorns are some of the most faithful lovers in the zodiac, and when they sense a good thing, they won't let it go. Early signs of interest include an open checkbook.


The Love of the Literary: Aquarians dig learning for the sake of knowing, and they love to ponder deeper meanings of, like, life. Get to their hearts via their brains, in three easy steps. One: Find out exactly what turns your Aquarius on. (If you can't do that, then just start with newspaper headlines.) Two: Read up. Three: Casually strike up a conversation. Bam! Aquarians will be into your discourse and debate. Whatever you do, don't fake your knowledge -- you'll only get caught.

Seduction Mantra: Know it all.

You Know It's Working When: Most Aquarians like to keep their dating options open until they've met their soul mate. But have patience: Once they commit to romance, it's serious business. Becoming friends first gives you better than 50-50 odds that an Aquarian will ultimately be yours. When you do move from pal to passion, just let your Water Bearer think that it's all his or her idea.


Big Talk, Little Fish: What a Pisces wants, more than the world, is to understand the cosmic pond we all inhabit. While blowing bubbles and swimming in circles is fun for a while, your Fish needs a companion, a fellow thinker and philosopher. Talk to your Pisces about big issues, little things and anything else that comes up. Don't worry about saying the wrong thing; you don't always need an answer for the tough questions. Just remember to take your crush's hand and hold it tight. Letting go is optional.

Seduction Mantra: Go with the flow.

You Know It's Working When: A happy Pisces might seem aloof at first, but soon you'll find yourself reeled in -- so close, in fact, you'll have trouble breathing. The emphasis here is less on quality time, but quantity of time. Make your Pisces feel comfortable, and their world is yours.

Le défouloir d'Axl
Le défouloir d'Axl